Android 13: New update will alert users on 'excessive background battery usage'
DH Web Desk
Last Updated IST
Android 13 logo. Credit: Google
Android 13 logo. Credit: Google

Last month, Google, rolled out the first preview of the Android 13 update to registered developers.

Search engine giant had revealed that privacy and security will be the core of the Android 12's successor.

Now, new information about the new features of the Android 13 has surfaced online. One such fact is that it will improve battery optimization and management to ensure the phone lasts longer.


Once updated to the Android 13, the handset will be able to track and identify apps that run in the background and excessively drain the battery.

The Android 13-based phone user will see an alert notification on the screen that a particular app is disproportionately hogging the power source for at least 20 hours within a 24-hour window.

"If the system detects high battery usage from your app while the app is displaying a notification that's associated with foreground services, the system waits until the user dismisses the notification or the foreground service finishes, and shows the notification only if your app continues to consume a large amount of device battery," noted Android developer forum.

This way users will be aware of which apps are unnecessarily drawing the phone's battery. With such information and based on the regularity of usage of such apps, users will be able to make an informed decision, whether to let the apps stay in the phone or just uninstall them.

Google is scheduled to roll out the public version in the fall, most probably around September end or early October.

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(Published 21 March 2022, 13:28 IST)