'We will never know...': US woman acquitted of charges 2 years after bodies of 4 infants found frozen in her apartment fridgeAll of the babies were full term, which means they were determined to be between 37 and 40 weeks of gestational age. All four had their umbilical cords attached and the two females had their placentas attached, probe had revealed.
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<div class="paragraphs"><p>Representative image showing a baby's foot.</p></div>

Representative image showing a baby's foot.

Credit: Pixabay Photo

A district attorney in US decided to acquit a 69-year-old woman from charges in a case wherein corpses of four infants were found frozen in her Boston apartment in 2022. While the matter was reported two years back, the local county district attorney was recently hearing the matter when medical experts informed that the reason for their deaths is yet to ascertained.


District Attorney Kevin Hayden said in a statement that the investigation was launched into the matter on November 17, 2022. While calling the case "one of the most complex, unusual and perplexing one that this office has ever encountered", he said that the babies were found in the freezer.

As per the district attorney, in November 2022, a man living in the Boston apartment rang the police and informed that his wife had found the bodies of the infants in the freezer while she was cleaning the apartment.

Further investigation after the police arrived to the spot revealed that the two infants were male and two other were female and DNA tests later revealed that the four infants were siblings. The prosecutor's office said that the corpses of the infants were found in a shoe box, wrapped in a tin foil, and were frozen rock-solid in the freezer.

Medical tests also showed that their probable father had died back in 2011. The Suffolk County noted all the observations submitted by the medical and forensics teams.

The statement issued by Suffolk County further said, "All of the babies were full term, which means they were determined to be between 37 and 40 weeks of gestational age. All four had their umbilical cords attached and the two females had their placentas attached."

District Attorney Hayden further said that the 69-year-old woman has been shifted to a healthcare facility. He added that during the interrogation, the woman 'appeared confused and demonstrated a lack of understanding about where she was and who she was speaking to'.

“We will never know exactly where or when the four babies found in Alexis Aldamir’s apartment were born.  We will never know if the four babies were born alive, and we will never know exactly what happened to them.  We will never know how Aldamir concealed her pregnancies, or why she chose to do so,”  he said while adding that the probe showed the woman had five children while the birth record of only one child could be found.

One baby had been put up for adoption, the probe had revealed.

(Published 05 May 2024, 03:37 IST)