
Orkut friend rapes girl on city visit

He promises to marry her after assault
Last Updated : 15 January 2013, 20:45 IST
Last Updated : 15 January 2013, 20:45 IST

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A sales executive was arrested for sexually assaulting a girl in the Capital after befriending her on a social networking site, police said on Tuesday.

Islamudin, 24, who hails from Mewat in Haryana, works in a mobile company as a sales executive. In May last year, he befriended the 22-year-old graduation student on Orkut and exchanged their numbers.

When Islamudin found that the victim was about to visit Delhi to submit her examination forms in May, he insisted on joining her and lured her for sightseeing in Delhi. When she reached Nizamuddin from Mewat, she found Islamudin waiting for her at the bus stop.

She then went to fill up the form and then returned to her hotel room at Nizamuddin. She alleged that Islamudin then offered a drink laced with sedatives, drinking which she fell unconscious, and Islamudin raped her. When she gained consciousness, Islamudin said he was guilty and  promised to marry her. Convinced, she went home. She then kept on pleading Islamudin to marry her but he kept on giving excuses, citing his career.

Already married

In December, she found that Islamudin was already married. Furious over bring cheated, she approached Mewat superintendent of police. He  referred the case to Sunlight Colony police station on January 5. Delhi Police then went to Mewat and recorded the victim’s statement.

“After conducting raids in three districts, Islamudin was arrested in Mewat on Monday and brought to the Capital,” said police officer.

He was produced before the court which sent him to police custody for two days. “We are still interrogating him and verifying the facts,” said the officer.

Man abuses   teen, films her

A 30-year-old married man was arrested on Tuesday for allegedly raping a 19-year-old girl at south Delhi’s Safdarjung Enclave, reports DHNS. Police said the victim claimed that accused Zakir filmed the sexual assault and forced her to marry him in April last year. He was already married to a woman in West Bengal and has three children. She further alleged that Zakir had been blackmailing her with the clippings and threatening her of dire consequences. Police said the accused allegedly forced her into living with him and exploited her since then. The victim approached police after which a case of rape was lodged with Safdarjung Enclave police station on Tuesday and Zakir was arrested.

Published 15 January 2013, 20:45 IST

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