
Here's why Microsoft is limiting ChatGPT session to five chat turns

Microsoft is limiting users to chat on a particular topic to just five for a session and 50 chat sessions per day
Last Updated : 21 February 2023, 11:53 IST
Last Updated : 21 February 2023, 11:53 IST

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Earlier in the month, Microsoft launched a feature copilot with a dedicated tab on Bing search and Edge browser. The copilot tab offers access for users to interact with Artificial Intelligence(AI)-powered bot ChatGPT 4.0, which can scrape the latest information available on the internet.

The service is beyond offering information and listing the website pages related to keywords typed on the search box. It is capable of giving suggestions on how to plan a vacation and even write an email to a client or write programming code and do a lot more stuff.

However, ChatGPT integrated Bing and Edge, is beginning to show cracks in the generative AI Tech. The chatbot, which calls its Sydney (the same name used internally by Microsoft) after 10-15 conversations on the same topic, goes astray with weird responses, going as far as suggesting killing a human, asking users to have an affair, and responding with nonsensical things.

Now, Microsoft has taken note of the anomaly in the ChatGPT's responses to the preview users and has decided to limit the five chats a session on a particular topic and it has decided to cap at 50 chat turns (sessions) per day. It says ChatGPT has a tendency to get confused if pressed with queries about the same topic for too long, so they have introduced the restriction.

"Our data has shown that the vast majority of you find the answers you’re looking for within 5 turns and that only ~1% of chat conversations have 50+ messages. After a chat session hits 5 turns, you will be prompted to start a new topic. At the end of each chat session, the context needs to be cleared so the model won’t get confused. Just click on the broom icon to the left of the search box for a fresh start," the company said.

Were ChatGPT-powered Bing/Edge and Google Bard launched too soon?
Yes, both Google Bard and OpenAI ChatGPT have big potential to completely change the way we retrieve information on the Internet. But, going by reports of AI chatbots churning out inaccurate data and even blatantly giving non-existent answers to queries, have raised concerns. They are really far from being a final product and there is a definite need for more testing before being made available to the public.

The companies should not get in the race of being the first to deliver generative AI chatbots, but it actually should be about, whose product is more reliable.

We live in a digital age where fake news spread faster than truth and has the potential to create rifts not just between two communities in a small area, but also end up riling up nations against each other.

For instance, during the demo on February 8, the Microsoft presenter asked Bing to analyze the Q3 2022 financial reports of Gap and Lululemon and deliver short summaries.

It incorrectly showed that Gap reported an adjusted gross margin of 37.4 per cent including the impairment charges. But, in actuality, it was 38.7 per cent.

Also, it even conjured up nonexistent data that Gap saw its operating margin grow by 5.9 per cent.

What if a person who holds shares in Gap and ChatGPT offered the wrong details and in a panic, he/she sell their shares and end up with a loss? This is a very serious issue, companies such as Microsoft, OpenAI or Google or the newcomer You.com (maker of YouChat bot) should ensure their respective generative AI bot is capable of differentiating genuine facts from misinformation and always sticking to the true facts and not churn out non-existent data.

Interested readers can join the waitlist on Bing or on Edge browser (here). However, the user has to have a Microsoft account to preview the ChatGPT-integrated chatbox. Even Google is offering preview testing of the Bard AI chatbot, but it is limited to the closed group of trusted testers. The public has to wait a bit longer to test the Google Bard, at least till the May-June period, as the company is expected to showcase software, AI, and other related stuff at I/O 2023 event.

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Published 21 February 2023, 11:38 IST

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