
Avoiding bouts of anger

Interesting Outlet
Last Updated : 14 October 2010, 12:41 IST

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Anger is one of the seven deadliest sins in the world and is called so for a good reason. Anger afflicts the mind to a great extent and can sometimes lead the victim to say and do things they wouldn’t under normal circumstances.

While most people take out their frustration on others, sometimes outbursts may happen in ways that may not make any sense. From random shopping sprees to a deliberate lifestyle shift, people indulge themselves in a variety of activities to get over frustration. And while some these activities may be helpful in the long run, others are mere devices to divert the mind.

“I have a few selected friends I can always depend on for long bitching sessions where I can crib endlessly,” says Suchismita, a sales executive. “It doesn’t solve anything but I feel a lot better after that,” she adds. A patient ear is always helpful but sometimes circumstances are such that there is no one to blame for your troubles but the universe. And it is during times like these that you need to come up with creative ways to deal with the issues.

“A long jogging session usually helps me out if I am in a bad mood. I forget about other things during the jog,” says Arindam, a marketing professional. Many others agree that a good workout is the best way to deal with stress.

“I put on some music and dance around in my house till I really exhausted. After that, I am too tired to think about my problems,” says Payal, a student. “Listening to loud rock songs is my first reaction when I am angry. There is an in-built anger in the songs which I can relate to,” says Kartick, a student.  

But while some people have constructive ways of dealing with stress, others indulge themselves in activities which are not recommended. “Indulging in comfort foods like fries, ice-creams and chocolates is one of the most common reactions to bad moods,” says Suchismita.

And so is shopping. “One of my friends,who had recently gone through a heartbreak, went ahead and spent a large amount of money on a new bike and a plasma tv among other things,” says Himanshu, an IT professional. And there are some who do think of taking drastic steps but somehow are not able to follow through.

“I wanted to chop my hair really short in an attempt to do something different so that it would take my mind off the things that were bothering me,” says Swati, a professional. “Thankfully, none of my friends let me, so I was saved from the horrendous haircut,” she chuckles.

Published 14 October 2010, 12:41 IST

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