
Councillors too have long pending woes

High drama
Last Updated : 15 January 2011, 16:54 IST

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That the elected representatives should act as a bridge between the people and the government, taking the former’s woes to the authorities concerned, is a known fact.

What if the same people’s representatives have complaints? The answer is difficult to find, if gone by the plight of our corporators, whose grievances seem to be far from being redressed.

Whenever the council convenes, they vociferously vent their ire against bureaucrats. “Worshipful mayor, that particular assistant commissioner doesn’t pick my call, cries a councillor.

They (babus) were given cell phones from the civic body to remain available for communication round the clock.

The officer continues to remain non-chalant, or switches off the phone after a particular time. If this is the plight of the corporators, what about others? He/ she will be pat joined by another corporator, who levels a grave allegation against the same (sometimes another officer) - Though the council ordered for revising the fee towards issuing completion record (CR), he is yet to act upon it. Next comes a lady corporator, who alleges- Just because I am a woman, that particular male officer doesn’t pick my call... “, this and many more, fired at the officers of the city corporation has become a precedent in the council meeting. Whenever the officers are at the receiving end with the Corporators calling them by their names, they will be all eyes and ears. At the end, most of the councillors appeal to the mayor- you have to arrive on a consensus today. None of the officers are paying heed to the decisions taken at the meeting, and it would do well if you suspend some, sending a warning to other erring officers.

Recently, a corporator called an officer in-charge over phone to lodge a complaint regarding the underground drain (UGD).

The answer he allegedly got from that side was- please lodge your complaint with the respective control room and they will look into it. Mayor who was visibly irked at this, had to instruct the officialdom. ‘Be it any corporator or general public, the moment he or she files a complaint, it should be attended to, instead of asking them to follow the book’.

Like every council meeting, the issue sees a sudden death, with the intervention of another corporator who is pained to see the meeting not going according to norms. He reminds the mayor- the council is being deviated. Let’s take such issues during general discussion, and continue with the agenda.

When the council convenes again after a certain period of time, hits a voice- Respected Mayor, that particular officer...65 or 70 ?

Whenever any Corporator says- let’s all the 65 members work in tandem towards city’s development, comes a correction- Not 65, total 70 (While 65 among them are elected, remaining five are government nominated corporators). One among the nominated councillors shouts at that corporator for the blunder- We also deserve due respect and consider equal to all!

If you thought that it was the end, no you are wrong. The whole episode makes a comeback at every meeting.

Published 15 January 2011, 16:53 IST

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