The opposition in Tamil Nadu on Thursday asked the state government to send an all-party delegation to Prime Minister Narendra Modi to stop Karnataka from constructing the Mekedatu dam.
The demand came against the backdrop of Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah, who recently led an all-party team to the PM seeking the Centre’s co-operation for executing the controversial project over the Cauvery River.
Members of the DMK, Congress and Left parties said that if all parties in Karnataka were united on the Mekedatu issue, those in Tamil Nadu should also back the state’s interest unitedly.
The AIADMK government, in its reply, said a delegation of MPs from Tamil Nadu led by Lok Sabha Deputy Speaker M Thambidurai had already met the PM on March 28.
State Finance and Public Works Department Minister O Panneerselvam said even Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalitha wrote several letters to the PM but yet no solution could be reached on the issue.
“Therefore, the Tamil Nadu government filed a petition in the Supreme Court to order Karnataka for stalling the construction of any dam across the Cauvery,” he added.