
Amusement park not amusing, feel citizens

Last Updated : 30 May 2010, 19:02 IST

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Senior poiltician and former minister P G R Sindhia and former Additional Chief Secretary Chiranjiv Singh too have voiced their concern over the Government’s move. “It is not advisable to disturb the rare species at the gardens and convert it into an entertainment zone. I therefore urge the Government to honour the public opinion in this regard,” Sindhia said.

Chiranjiv Singh has termed the proposal as madness. “Twice during my service (in the State Government) these proposals had come before me and I threw them out. I convinced the then Chief Ministers, Ramakrishna Hegde and S M Krishna, why the proposals deserved to be thrown out. I am surprised that such a proposal can even be entertained. What Lalbagh needs is more trees and plants of different species, less concrete and less number of people. Musical fountains and food courts are best left to malls as in East Asia,” he stated.

The concerned Bangaloreans have said the Metro project has already done an irreparable damage to Lalbagh in particular and the city’s greenery in general.  If at all the Government wants to emulate Singapore, it should first provide proper infrastructure.

Here are some excerpts from the mails Deccan Herald has received:

Let it remain
Let Lalbagh remain as it is - as a lung space - forever. No need for any amusement parks in that area. People have enough amusement in their own homes! Let them come to see the birds and trees and not get amused by artificial means!

No need
I totally agree with the statement "If the government wants to ape Singapore, let it first give good infrastructure, clean up roads, and provide basic amenities to the citizens.”  Amusement park is not at all a basic necessity.

Drop the idea
Do we need this at a time when many of the government Hospitals and schools do not have the basic amenities like water, sanitation,beds, medicines and doctors.

No litter
I vote against this so called development of Lalbagh. The Metro project has already done irreparable damage. I hope Government realises before its too late. The least we could do to beautify Lalbagh is enforce the no-plastic and no litter with in the premises

Don’t meddle
As a senior citizen I have  been visiting  Lalbagh for over 55 years I request the like minded people in the authority to rethink about this project. Lalbagh requires regular maintenance like watering desilting of the tank and providing additional security personnel to check the anti-social activity inside the park Please do not meddle with the nature's gift .
T S Krishna Murthy,
Senior Citizen Forum, Jayanagar 5 th Block

Green paradise
I think the Horticulture Department's plan is rubbish.They will destroy our treasure by trying to imitate someone else.Lalbagh has always been a green paradise.I don't see any need for  modernisation or development.The trees, plants, flowers and birds don't need any modernisation.A musical fountain or laser show will bring along with it scores of people and eventually destroy Bangalore's oldest landmark- Hyder Ali's dream.
Vishesh Chander Guru

Published 30 May 2010, 19:02 IST

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