
50 shades of pray

Sexi Saheli is a weekly column of answers to questions you never dared to ask. If something is troubling you and there’s not a soul you can speak to, write to Sexi Saheli at sexisaheli@deccanherald.co.in. She will not only listen, she will also give you a
Last Updated : 20 September 2020, 07:45 IST
Last Updated : 20 September 2020, 07:45 IST

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Dear SexiSaheli,

We are a happily married couple and are senior citizens. Since 10 years, my wife is practising celibacy as she became a member of some spiritual organisation. I am missing a healthy sex life. Otherwise, we love each other very much and are devoted to each other. I use gardening, reading and listening to music as distractions. But still sometimes I get the craving which I suppose is normal. Any advice/suggestions ?


Dear Mani,
Have you had a TALK with your wife about this? I know it’s not the action you want but it’s a start. Does she know how you feel? Or is she too busy with 50 shades of pray? For god’s sake, you need to have a conversation, ten years is too long. Key words to use in your discussion — sexual urge/open relationship/online dating forums. Google if you are
in doubt. Do your om work before the talk, and you may just find your sweet nirvana.

Hey Sexybehen,
I am talking to a boy, who is deeply connected to me, like on a romantic level but idk why i can’t seem to have the guts to tell him that i do already have a boyfriend...!!!!
Plz help!


Hey Nahral,

First things first. Please don’t call me behen, doesn’t really gel with Sexi nah? Is it ‘no guts’ that’s stopping you or are you enjoying the flirting too much? Be honest, do you like more choice on the men-u?

I am 40 years old with two children. I have been married for 13 years and separated for two. It was a love marriage but he is a cheat. He hid his previous marriage from me. After my second child was born, he started dating a young girl. When I questioned him he said he will leave her. He also began visiting prostitutes. When I caught him cheating again, I left him and asked for a divorce. He’s refusing to give me one. In the meantime, I met one of his friends and we started getting close. Now I am in a relationship with his friend for the last two years. His wife also happens to be my friend. What should I do?


Dear Pooja,
You do pick your men! Your husband is a lying, cheating user. It’s good that you dumped him. Your affair with his friend doesn’t seem all that great either. You are not just cheating his wife who is a friend but you are also cheating yourself — from having a normal, healthy relationship with a good, decent man who is worthy of your love. My advice — wipe the slate
clean, start afresh. Both men are a waste of your time. You will not heal if you stay with what breaks you.


I’m Makarand but you can call me Macky. I’m in love with a woman who is in love with her best friend, who is also a woman. Is there some way I can get her to change her mind?

Can’t do anything about this Macky. Women have super powers. Why don’t you try writing some poetry?

Sexi Saheli is a weekly column of answers to questions you never dared to ask. If something is troubling you and there’s not a soul you can speak to, write to Sexi Saheli at sexisaheli@deccanherald.co.in. She will not only listen, she will also give you an answer which will set you free.

Published 19 September 2020, 18:46 IST

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