
Don’t miss a beat

Akanksha Srivastava tells you how to take charge of your heart health
Last Updated : 27 March 2021, 19:15 IST
Last Updated : 27 March 2021, 19:15 IST

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Adults with diabetes are two to four times more likely to die from heart disease as compared to adults without diabetes. According to the American Heart Association diabetes is one of the predisposing factors that may lead to heart disease that is controllable or modifiable.

There are proven ways to protect your heart. Try consuming a more plant-based diet, manage stress and nurture social contacts. Together, these can result in positive healthy changes in both the brain and the body. The crux of a cardiovascular health and cardiac rehabilitation programme should be a two keystone approach for heart health.

Blood pressure is the leading risk factor for heart disease; about 1 in 3 people suffer from high blood pressure that is unnoticed. Because of this, high blood pressure is also referred to as the ‘silent killer’ but you can make it ‘sign-lent healer’ with your skill power.

Keep track of high blood pressure numbers: The most effective way to manage high blood pressure is to get it regularly checked at home and/or a doctor’s clinic. Firstly, buy a blood pressure machine having a cuff for the upper arm that inflates and gives the reading automatically. The American Heart Association recommends not to go for finger or wrist blood pressure monitors as they are not reliable.

Secondly, for proper blood pressure management, it is better to get your blood pressure checked on your own at home. Once at home, begin with a check in the morning before taking blood pressure medications and then another reading in the evening daily for a week as guided. Keep a record of the reading. Thirdly, measure blood pressure in both the arms, as it may reveal a higher risk of heart attack; with a difference of 10 points or more, one can be at a higher risk of heart attack by 38%. Consult your doctor for reference.

Fourthly, doctors primarily check for top number known as systolic pressure than lower number namely, diastolic pressure. Research suggests focusing on both the numbers although, for people with 50 years or above, systolic pressure is important to look for. The reason being systolic pressure is the pressure by the heart on the arteries when blood comes out of the body. Whereas diastolic pressure is the pressure in your blood vessels when your heart is at rest.

Mindful eating without medications: With a healthy diet plan, you can get rid of blood pressure pills. Foods high in calcium, potassium, and magnesium are a boon to the heart’s health and with an add-on MUFA-olive oil and fish, it improves heart health.

Avoid saturated fats such as butter and red meat and include the following in your diet for a healthy heart:

Foods high in potassium include prunes, carrot, passion fruit, plain yoghurt (low-fat), tomato, sweet potato, salmon etc., vegetables, fruits, and dairy. Focus on food choices high in potassium content to add to your meals such as salad, soups, and stew.

Foods high in magnesium like whole grains, spinach, quinoa, black beans, avocado, almond, peanuts, and dairy products regulate nerve function and maintain a normal heartbeat. Use yoghurt in salad dips, sauces in place of mayonnaise in pasta and macaroni dishes. You can add almond, spinach in a quinoa salad with a squash of olive oil.

Foods high in calcium include tofu, almond milk, cheese, buttermilk, broccoli, calcium-fortified cereals. Calcium regulates normal blood pressure levels in the body and heart muscle function.

Low calcium is due to inadequate intake of dairy. You can replace sugar syrup and cow milk with almond milk in desserts.

MUFA (Monounsaturated Fatty Acids)-Olive oil: Drizzles of olive oil over pasta or vegetables in place of butter or as a salad dressing or during sautéing is a healthy option. Buy fresh, frozen, or canned fish high in Omega-3 content such as salmon, sardines, herring etc.

A word of advice: High blood pressure is a physical response to stress. Do not overstress when your blood pressure is high initially as blood pressure changes throughout the day.

(The author is a nutritionist.)

Published 27 March 2021, 18:35 IST

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