
Delimitation Commission’s proposals on J&K unconstitutional, alleges PAGD

Farooq Abdullah said that the recommendations made by the Delimitation Commission were “biased"
Last Updated : 26 February 2022, 10:03 IST
Last Updated : 26 February 2022, 10:03 IST
Last Updated : 26 February 2022, 10:03 IST
Last Updated : 26 February 2022, 10:03 IST

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Stating that the Delimitation Commission’s proposals on redrawing constituencies in Jammu and Kashmir were “unconstitutional”, People’s Alliance for Gupkar Declaration (PAGD) Saturday alleged that everything being done under the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Act, 2019 was illegal.

“We would continue to say that the August 5, 2019, decision of rolling back Article 370 was unconstitutional,” CPI (M) leader and PAGD spokesperson Mohamad Yousuf Tarigami said while addressing a presser, in Srinagar.

Tarigami, who was flanked by two former chief ministers -- National Conference president Farooq Abdullah and PDP president Mehbooba Mufti -- said the delimitation is being done under the Act, which itself is "unconstitutional".

“Now delimitation is taking place without Ladakh and seven seats have been increased in J&K — one in Kashmir and six in Jammu. Basic parameters for delimitation are population based on census, topography and accessibility but all these parameters were thrown to the wind,” he said.

Delimitation Commission’s fresh proposal has increased alienation in J&K and the Panel has worked in favour of BJP only under a “planned strategy".

The PAGD — an alliance of NC, PDP, CPI, CPM, Peoples Movement and Awami National Conference — was formed with the pledge of perseverance and steadfastness towards the restoration of the special status of J&K which was revoked by the Center in August 2019.

Talking to reporters Farooq Abdullah, who is also Member Parliament from Srinagar Lok Sabha seat, said that the recommendations made by the Delimitation Commission were “biased and whatever they have advocated has in fact increased the alienation across J&K".

“I see a larger plan in whatever Delimitation panel has done. The Commission has worked in favour of BJP as I foresee that the plan is to get a resolution passed in favour of Article 370 in the J&K assembly and then BJP will itself take the case to the court and claim victory,” he said.

Octogenarian Abdullah claimed that the Assembly seats have been increased in a way to benefit BJP and to help the party sail through the elections.

“As far as NC is concerned, we will fight elections in any case,” he said.

Asked whether PAGD would fight polls jointly, he said, “It was too premature to comment on this issue. Let the elections come, many people will join us to fight polls,” the NC chief added.

PAGD rolls out white paper

On the occasion, the PAGD rolled out a white paper on the BJP’s assertions post revocation of Article 370 on development, peace, jobs and investments. “It is nothing but a bunch of lies and we challenge the BJP to counter us on facts.”

“The claims of ‘Naya Kashmir’ made by the BJP are based on falsehood and deceit. BJP’s new Kashmir narrative entails UAPA, PSA and arrests besides gagging every single voice that objects to its policies. Whatever happened on August 5, 2019, was a forced decision. Don’t misconstrue the silence of Kashmiris, Jammuites and Ladakhis as acceptance of August 5, 2019 decisions,” Tarigami asserted.

“We challenge the J&K administration and the BJP government to counter our white paper with its own white paper. We challenge the BJP on providing jobs, investment and development,” he questioned.

The PAGD spokesperson questioned the BJP over real estate investment in J&K. “What real estate are you talking about? Tell us how many youth from Jammu have got jobs post Article 370 revocation let alone Kashmir,” he asked. “We will invite all MPs for a discussion and will also send copies to the President of India.

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Published 26 February 2022, 10:03 IST

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