Tamil Nadu BJP chief K Annamalai on Saturday accused the ruling DMK of undertaking a disinformation campaign against the Centre on a host of issues including the Uniform Civil Code (UCC), and said the truth will be exposed in the forthcoming Parliament session.
The DMK leadership should self-introspect and address the issues concerning the people, he said. "The DMK has been uttering lies on several issues including the UCC, Goods and Services Tax (GST) and food inflation," Annamalai claimed, while speaking to reporters here.
"Its MP meeting passed resolutions faulting the Centre but was silent on the adamant neighbouring Karnataka which declined to release Cauvery water to Tamil Nadu and on its decision to proceed with the construction of the Mekedatu dam."
There is not an iota of truth in the DMK's resolutions against the BJP government at the Centre, he said, speaking to the media after paying floral tributes to former Chief Minister and Congress leader K Kamaraj on his 121st birth anniversary.
Published 15 July 2023, 17:19 IST