
Her last wish...

Last Updated : 17 January 2014, 21:03 IST
Last Updated : 17 January 2014, 21:03 IST

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A disciple of the Ramakrishna Math, Suchitra Sen’s last wish was to enact the role of saint Ramakrishna Paramhansa’s wife and spiritual leader Ma Sarada Devi, said a family friend of the legendary actor.

After her last film ‘Pranay Pasha’ in 1978, Sen became very close to monks of the Ramakrishna Math in Belurmath, a few kilometres from the city.

“Her last wish was to play the role of Ma Sarada. But it remained unfulfilled. She had said many times that she wanted to act in such a film,” said Sen’s close friend Gopal Krishna Roy on Friday.

The yesteryear actor was a close disciple of the monastic order, and while living the life of a recluse in her apartment in the southern part of the city, Suchitra used to spent most of the time reading books on spirituality and listening to devotional songs, said Roy.

It was learnt that even during her last days at the Belle Vue Clinic, photographs of Ma Sarada and other religious texts were kept close to her bed.

Devotional songs were also played in the hospital at the legendary actress’ request where monks often visited to see her. 

Published 17 January 2014, 21:03 IST

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