Bengaluru: The Bengaluru Traffic Police (BTP) registered a total of 1,707 cases of drunk driving against vehicle users across the city in a special drive conducted in the last week of August.
Throughout August, the police booked 2,030 drivers found driving under the influence.
On August 21, MN Anucheth, Joint Commissioner of Police (Traffic), issued a memo to all 50 traffic police stations in the city to ramp up their efforts in checking vehicles for drunk drivers.
In a separate memo, he also directed all station inspectors to ensure that at least one woman police constable and one woman head constable are posted in the night shift.
The availability of women constables at night also meant that women drivers could be checked for alcohol.
"Last Saturday, about 37,000 vehicles were checked and 624 cases were filed, which is less than 2 per cent. We are staying constantly at two per cent for the last four to five months, which is good," Anucheth said.
Published 03 September 2024, 01:07 IST