Bengaluru: Chief Secretary Shalini Rajneesh visited the BBMP’s Integrated Command Control Centre (ICCC) on Monday to discuss various projects and issues concerning the city. This marks the fourth such meeting since she assumed her role.
During the meeting, she addressed monsoon preparedness, pothole repair activities, and storm water drain projects. It’s learned that BBMP’s Special Commissioner Munish Moudgil presented the activities undertaken by the civic body. Chief Commissioner Tushar Girinath, along with Special Commissioners Harish Kumar, Vikas Surolkar, and Preeti Gehlot, were also present.
Other than these meetings, the chief secretary has also resumed the monthly high powered co-ordination meeting that was a regular affair until P Ravi Kumar took over. Kumar had stopped holding such meetings as he believed the Urban development department was capable of fixing inter departmental issues. Vandita Sharma and Rajneesh Goel too had stopped holding these meetings.
Published 26 August 2024, 22:39 IST