
'Early detection can save lives'

Last Updated : 30 October 2014, 14:28 IST
Last Updated : 30 October 2014, 14:28 IST

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Breast Cancer Awareness month is observed every October to increase awareness on the disease and its prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure.

 HCG recently launched a Breast Cancer App, a mobile application that not only gives an in-depth analysis on breast cancer but helps in self-examination and aids in regular checkups. The event had five transgenders who underwent the test and shared their perspective.   Nagu, a transgender, explained, “It is not easy to become a woman. I have taken a lot of trouble to become one and have undergone surgeries and taken tablets to develop breasts. We would go to any extent to be a woman. Breast cancer is a deadly disease and we would like to spread awareness to all women who are blessed with everything that is feminine. They should take care of themselves and carry out regular checkups.” 

The high cost of medical treatment is another reason. Reshma says, “Ten years ago, the doctors, both men and women, would treat us badly. We would be asked to sit in a different room and the doctors would tell others not to touch us. Sometimes, even without examining us, they would prescribe the medicine. But today with a lot of awareness, we have been given good treatment in the hospitals.”  

Dr Nalini Rao, a radiation oncologist, said “I have seen cases where young women between the age of 25 years to 30 years are affected. Cancer is impartial, it knows no caste, age or creed or sex. Cancer is an affluent disease and is directly related to the lifestyle of a person. Early detection can cure and save lives.” 

Transgenders are highly prone to breast, cervix or prostrate cancer due to their lifestyle and drugs they consume. 

Published 30 October 2014, 14:28 IST

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