The High Grounds Police have registered an FIR against BJP's IT Cell chief Amit Malviya in connection with an animated video on Congress leader Rahul Gandhi he recently tweeted.
A senior police officer said the FIR is registered under IPC Sections 153 A - promoting enmity, hatred between different religious, racial, language or regional groups or castes or communities, 120 B - criminal conspiracy, and 505(2) - public mischief.
Ramesh Babu, Co-chairman of the Communication Department, Karnataka Pradesh Congress Committee, had filed a complaint against Malviya. IT Minister Priyank Kharge himself had accompanied Babu to the High Grounds Police Station when the complaint was filed, on June 19.
The police had forwarded the complaint to legal experts for their counsel and registered the FIR on Tuesday.
Published 28 June 2023, 05:38 IST