
Grateful driver ferries candidate to booth

Last Updated : 18 April 2019, 20:02 IST
Last Updated : 18 April 2019, 20:02 IST
Last Updated : 18 April 2019, 20:02 IST
Last Updated : 18 April 2019, 20:02 IST

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A 60-year-old woman auto driver who received the vehicle as a gift from Rizwan Arshad gratefully ferried the Congress-JD(S) joint candidate for Bangalore Central Lok Sabha constituency to the polling booth. Arshad gifted the autorickshaw two months ago.

Shanta waited for an opportunity to express her gratitude for what Arshad did and the opportunity presented itself on the morning of the polling day, when she picked him up from his residence and rode him to the United Theological College in Millers Road (Bangalore Central Constituency).

“I like him not just because he helped me earn my livelihood, but also because he looks like Rajiv Gandhi,” Shanta said. “I asked one of the media persons to let him know that I’d like him to take a ride in my auto one day. The media person helped me talk to him after which Rizwan spoke to me. I’ve been requesting him for the past three months, but he finally took a ride.”

Rizwan, who rode with his wife to the polling station, said Shanta is a good friend. “She has been asking me to hitch a ride for the past three months and I didn’t want to deny her wish,” he said.

Published 18 April 2019, 19:48 IST

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