
Hitting the road for a passion

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Last Updated : 18 August 2009, 16:49 IST

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If one looks at the hectic lifestyle today’s youngsters lead, one feels, there is a need to keep the stress away through some outlet. Photography is one hobby and which seems to have stolen the hearts of many youngsters. The hobby requires travelling and helps in exploring new places, see one’s own surroundings, which one would not have done otherwise.

Many youngsters, who are busy during the entire week, take time off during the weekends to take pictures. Or else they club weekends with public holidays and hit the roads. They find new places and camp there till they wish. Many of them drive down to the places of their choice, if it is permissible.

Keshav Yelahanka was inspired by photography from childhood itself. He started by experimenting with small cameras. Slowly, he shifted to digital cameras and his zeal for photography has been on the move since. His love for photography took him to such heights that he finally gave up his job and is into photography full time.

Keshav says, “For me photography is an active way to express my feelings, emotions and it attaches me firmly to the surroundings. Travelling also refreshes me a lot after a hectic week in the City. Patience is my key and I also keep my eyes and mind alert. I focus on the colours of the region I travel.” 

Subhash Rao is passionate about photography, given a chance, he will hop on to his bike and heads to the place of his choice. He loves riding when it has something to do with photography. He rode all the way up North and it still does not tire him.

On a weekend, he has the ability to ride all the way up till Mahabalipuram just to catch the beauty of the rising sun on his camera.

“Travel photography has been a passion for me from the time I was 19. I was introduced to National Geographic magazine by my cousin at that time and the photographs from those magazines influenced me in every way about the wonderful world of photography. Ever since, I have tried to travel as much as I can and capture those wonderful places and keep them frozen in time.”

Kumar, who is a software engineer by profession, is also into photography. He travels extensively to keep his hobby alive and finds great joy in doing it. It also provides him a lot of peace.

“Travelling, road trips and photography are my passion. I travel very often, at least once in two months, to different places irrespective of the season. Interesting dynamics of the things I encounter during travelling can be captured on camera. Each and every moment of the travel remains unforgettable. Photography is an art of capturing those unforgettable moments forever at the click of a button; it is unique and creative medium of self-expression.”

Sangeetha B S also involves herself in travelling and taking pictures whenever she finds some free time. Usually, she teams up with a bunch of her friends, as well as cousins, who are also passionate about travel photography. She has travelled to most parts of India and abroad. “Photography is the best way to treasure the wonderful moments of life. It is a great way to wind up after a hectic week and also gives me a chance to meet up with my friends and cousins,” she says.

Published 18 August 2009, 16:49 IST

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