
Khichadi, a one-bowl meal

Last Updated : 03 July 2018, 14:31 IST
Last Updated : 03 July 2018, 14:31 IST

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I’m from Shekhawati, a region in Rajasthan, but I believe that I am a Bengalurean at heart. The last 20 years in the city has been a satisfying and fair journey and I have enjoyed working every day – both as an employee and an entrepreneur now.

Eating has always been my passion which is probably what encouraged me to join the culinary world. One of my cousins studied hotel management and I was inspired to do the same. I had decided from an early stage in my life that the culinary world is my calling.

I believe that I am my own inspiration. My close friends enjoy what I cook and they don’t critic my food much. So I set my own standards and keep updating myself and my palate.

The food industry was evolving at a fast pace when I was growing up – there was something new happening every week or month. While loyalty was followed back in the day, it’s not the same anymore. It’s probably because of the number of choices customers have nowadays.

But that’s the thing – restaurateurs and chefs usually don’t get into this world to make money but for a larger purpose. I only request patrons to give genuine feedback after analysing all aspects and not write comments like “change your chef” and “my dog cannot eat this food”; it truly hurts.

On that note, let’s get into the recipe for the week – Bean Khichadi. It’s basically a multi-bean khichadi and a very traditional recipe with no jazz added to the dish.

The ingredients are simple and easily available. Dedication, as I call it, is the key to a good replication of homely recipes as chefs cannot infuse motherly love. In order to make it tastier, make the tadka in ghee with a few select whole spices. It’s a wholesome one-bowl meal and you can add a few accompaniments like pickles and tapioca chips to add some spice and crunch.


Kidney bean, 20 gm

Green gram, 20 gm

Kabuli channa, 20gm

White karamani, 20 gm

Chana dal, 30 gm

Ghee, 2 tbs

Mustard seeds,1/2tsp

Cumin, 1/2tsp

Curry leaves as required

Red chilli, 4

Salt as required

Chilli powder, 2 tsp

Green chilli, 2

Rice, 100 gm

Turmeric powder, 1/2 tsp

Cloves, 2 to 3 pieces

Cardamom, 2 to pieces

Bay leaf, 2 to 3 leaves

Coriander leaves to garnish


Soak pulses for two tours, wash and soak rice for half an hour.

Heat the pressure cooker and add ghee, then mustard and cumin, lavang, cardamom and bay leaf.

Add soaked pulses, green chilli, curry leaves and broken whole red chilli and turmeric powder.

Now add rice and mix well, add five times the water of rice and salt accordingly, now cover the lid and let it cook for seven whistles.

Remove the lid when cool and serve hot topped with little ghee and chopped coriander leaves.

Aditya Fatepuria, chef and director of Sattvam

Published 03 July 2018, 13:11 IST

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