
NIA sleuths raid locations in Bengaluru in human trafficking case

The accused trafficked the women from Bangladesh to India on the pretext of getting them jobs
Last Updated : 10 August 2021, 01:52 IST
Last Updated : 10 August 2021, 01:52 IST

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National Investigation Agency (NIA) sleuths searched two city locations in connection with a human trafficking case involving Bangladesh nationals.

The team seized incriminating documents, including six digital devices, hard disks, and mobile phones, used to make forged documents.

The suspects, still at large, are accused of making fake identity proofs for Bangladeshi traffickers and the victims.

The case was originally registered on June 8 against 13 people in the Ramamurthynagar police station after police raided a rented house in Kanakanagar in K Channasandra where seven Bangladeshi women and a child were rescued from the clutches of their traffickers.

The accused trafficked the women from Bangladesh to India on the pretext of getting them jobs and forced them into prostitution.

A few of the accused are also involved in the gang-rape of a Bangladeshi woman in May. The NIA re-registered the case on July 13 and its officials are now investigating it.

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Published 10 August 2021, 00:16 IST

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