
Receiving the unexpected

Balancing Act
Last Updated : 11 May 2011, 13:05 IST
Last Updated : 11 May 2011, 13:05 IST

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The news that she has secured a total of 79 per cent in Commerce stream was not quite a happy one for her.

“Through out my school years, I was called an average student and it was time I broke that tag. I was expecting more because I really put in a lot of effort. I started to cry but my family said that they were very happy with my marks and that made me happy,” Amoolya says.

Having completed her PUC in Mount Carmel College, the actress is now going to pursue her B Com in the same college as well. “I love my subjects and find it very interesting. And the college has very good teachers,” she adds. Unlike any other student, Amoolya had a career to look after.

Though she didn’t overburden herself with many movies, she did shoot for her first home production Manasology before the exams began. “It was a challenge to balance both movies and studies. But I made sure that every night after the shoot, I would study. I don’t really believe in tuitions but I study every time I get free time,” she adds.

Now that the worst is over, Amoolya is waiting for another result that is very important for her career. And that is Manasology, the maiden production from her family banner.

“The audio of the film is doing well in the market and we are busy with the post-production work,” she says. But before she signs off, Amoolya has a message for all those who got their results.

“I want to congratulate all those who passed their exams. But I also want to tell those who didn’t, not to lose hope as there is a second chance and nothing is impossible in this world,” says she.

Published 11 May 2011, 13:05 IST

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