
Damage to Hampi pillars: ASI issues notices to staffers

Last Updated : 03 February 2019, 17:44 IST
Last Updated : 03 February 2019, 17:44 IST

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The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) has issued show-cause notices to its staffers over the damage done to pillars of a mantap at Hampi.

ASI deputy superintendent P Kalimuthu, who was out of town, returned on Sunday and inspected the damage to the pillars on the Vishnu temple premises.

He told DH that the incident occurred despite the fact that the staffers of ASI are on duty day and night. All staffers have been issued notices. A meeting had been called on Monday and replies would be sought from them, Kalimuthu said.

He said the incident had occurred two years ago and the video had gone viral only now. Kalimuthu said Hampi enjoyed global fame and miscreants were out to besmirch its image. He said he had lodged a complaint with Kamalapur police.

The police, on Sunday, released a youth whom they had arrested after the video went viral. The Vijayanagar Monument Protection Committee and tourist guides have planned a protest near ASI office on Monday, demanding that the miscreants be arrested.

Published 03 February 2019, 17:30 IST

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