
Non-stop train between Mysuru-Bengaluru soon

Track-doubling work almost over; journey time to be one hour, 40 minutes long
Last Updated : 03 June 2015, 20:02 IST
Last Updated : 03 June 2015, 20:02 IST

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The Railways plans to introduce a non-stop train between Mysuru and Bengaluru once the ongoing track-doubling works on the stretch are completed. The journey time will then be a maximum of one hour and 40 minutes.

Reacting to media queries, Rajkumar Lal, Divisional Railway Manager, Mysuru division, said on Wednesday, “There are plans to operate a non-stop train between Mysuru and Bengaluru in the interest of passengers. The travel time will then come down.”

Lal said that owing to lack of speedy transport facilities, top executives of companies having business interests in Mysuru were apprehensive of traveling to the city. Recently, a top executive from Infosys shared his concerns with the railway authorities. He prefers to convene a meeting in Bengaluru, instead of Mysuru.

The track will be feasible to operate trains at a speed of 132 km/hour against the current speed of 110 km/hr. Barring 10 per cent of the works, track-doubling has been completed, Lal said.

Wi-Fi facility has been proposed in the Mysuru, Davangere and Shivamogga stations, coming under the Mysuru division of the South Western Railway (SWR). The facility has been already launched in the Bengaluru station.

DH News Service

Published 03 June 2015, 20:02 IST

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