
Pink saree unites women MLAs

Last Updated : 23 July 2015, 19:42 IST
Last Updated : 23 July 2015, 19:42 IST

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There was unanimity among women MLAs on Thursday, not in debating an issue but in draping similar sarees!

Six women legislators in the Assembly caught the attention of the other members, draped in sarees of similar colour. Sharada Mohan Shetty, Shak­untala Shetty (both from Cong), Sharada Poor­yanaik (from JD-S), Sashikala Jolle and Ramakka (both from BJP) and Vinisha Nero (nominated) all chose to wear pinkish maroon sarees.

The self-imposed dress code by the women legislators cutting across their party lines prompted Vivesvara Hegde Kageri (BJP) to wonder aloud whether Speaker Kagodu Thimmappa had provided them with uniforms. “Why only women? Provide uniforms to us too,” he said in a lighter vein. The women MLAs disclosed that they had purchased the sarees while shopping in Belagavi, where they had gone for the recent session. 

Sharada Pooryanaik said there was no specific reason for them to purchase identical sarees. There are seven women MLAs, including Minister Umashree.

Published 23 July 2015, 19:42 IST

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