New Delhi: Despite the Karnataka demanding the Upper Bhadra Irrigation Project as national project and sanction funds accordingly, the Centre on Thursday said that presently not included under any scheme of Government of India.
"Upper Bhadra Project of Karnataka is presently not included under any scheme of Government of India, thus there is no question of sanction of funds for the project. However, techno-economic viability of the project was accepted by the concerned Committee of this Ministry and the project was appraised by Public Investment Board (PIB) which recommended central assistance of Rs 5,300 crore to the project and the same was provisioned in the Union Budget 2023-24," Jal shakti minister C R Paatil informed Lok Sabha.
Replying Davangere Lok Sabha member Prabha Mallikarjun said that as per Karnataka request in August, 2023, a proposal was taken up by Ministry of Jal Shakti for providing financial assistance under the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana –Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme scheme (PMKSY-AIBP).
However, approval for inclusion of a project for partial financial assistance under the ongoing schemes of Jal Shakti Ministry requires compilation of updated financial details for the project, including the expenditure made, balance cost and the updated eligible central assistance based on the balance cost.
Further, the decision regarding inclusion of the project depends on the available funds, geographic distribution under the scheme, priority under the scheme, etc, the Minister said in his written answer.
To a question on when the Upper Bhadra Project would be completed, the Minister said As per information provided by Karnataka, which is implementing the project, the project was targeted for completion by March, 2026.
Ahead of Karnataka going to assembly in 2023, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced a grant of Rs 5,300 crore for the Upper Bhadra Project in Karnataka in the Union Budget 2023.
Water being a State subject, mandate for planning, implementation and funding of irrigation projects lies in the domain of the state government concerned.
However, partial financial assistance to the identified irrigation projects is being provided by the Centre under its ongoing schemes. Apart from this, techno-economic appraisal of Inter-state medium and major irrigation projects is to be done by Central Water Commission under this Ministry, the Minister said.