Thiruvananthapuram: Leader of the Opposition in the Kerala Assembly V D Satheesan said on Monday that he would bear all the expenses for a young girl from Wayanad who lost her father, siblings and home in the recent landslides.
Nysa, the girl, recently captured widespread national media attention after she shared heartwarming moments with Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his visit to a hospital on Saturday to meet the survivors of the calamity.
While talking to a television channel, Satheesan said that he has already conveyed his interest to the relatives of the child about his wish to support her.
"I have already discussed this with her family members....the day when I first met her soon after the tragedy," he said.
The Congress leader stated that he is willing to personally bear all expenses for the child, including future educational expenses.
Published 12 August 2024, 17:04 IST