Mumbai: Shiv Sena (UBT) leader Aaditya Thackeray on Sunday said the Union government and BJP's economic comprehension had plummeted from Rs 15 lakh to Rs 1,500, an apparent reference to the party's talk about bringing back black money and depositing Rs 15 lakh in the accounts of people and the Rs 1,500 aid to women under the Maharashtra government's Ladki Bahin Yojana.
"Look at their faulty economic model. They once talked about Rs 15 lakh for each and have now have reduced it to Rs 1,500 per month. When we were in power, the BMC had bank deposits worth Rs 92,000 crore. Now, an RTI query had found more than Rs 2,000 crore have been withdrawn by the civic body's administration. What sort of financial model is this under BJP regime." he questioned.
Talking about an old statement of prime minister Narendra Modi about too much of BMC's funds being locked up in fixed deposits, Thackeray said, "It is inaccurate to oppose the increasing FDs. Entrusting all of Mumbai's work to a single industrialist is not advisable.
"Thanks to these FDs, we have been able to operate efficiently without raising taxes in the city." The projects undertaken by the Eknath Shinde government in the past two years have not been completed, he said, adding that concretization of roads is pending and there are corruption allegations in supply of vending machines and sanitary pads.
Published 25 August 2024, 19:09 IST