Mumbai: A special court in Mumbai on Friday refused to grant bail to Sandeep Chand Yadav, an assistant director of the Enforcement Directorate held in a bribery case, after noting there was prima facie evidence to show his involvement.
Yadav, who was arrested by the Central Bureau of Investigation on August 8 for allegedly taking a bribe of Rs 20 lakh from a Mumbai-based jeweller, sought bail after he was sent to judicial custody.
In his plea, Yadav claimed there was no evidence against him and contended he need not languish in jail any further since the investigation into the case was complete.
Refusing to accept these contentions, the court rejected Yadav's bail plea by observing there was prima facie evidence to show his involvement in the case.
As per the CBI, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) had earlier this month conducted searches in the premises of jeweller Vipul Harish Thakkar.
As per the CBI, Yadav allegedly threatened to arrest Thakkar's son if he did not pay him Rs 25 lakh. This amount was later reduced to Rs 20 lakh.
Thakkar approached the CBI, which laid a trap and held Yadav when he allegedly accepted the bribe.
Published 16 August 2024, 16:01 IST