Pune: A senior citizen was arrested for allegedly raping a 10-year-old girl, the incident coming to light after she opened up about the ordeal while talking at a 'good touch, bad touch' session in her school, a Pune rural police official said on Monday.
A few days ago, the 67-year-old accused stopped the girl when she was on her way to school, offered her a chocolate and tried to get close, while on Friday he took her home when she was returning from school and raped her, the official said.
The incident took place in a rural area on the outskirts of Pune, he added.
"She narrated the ordeal during the 'good touch, bad touch' session in her school on Saturday. The authorities there informed her parents, who filed a police complaint. The man was then arrested. Further probe is underway," the official said.
Published 26 August 2024, 17:16 IST