
Over 1.4 lakh Covid vaccine doses administered in Haryana on Monday

Most of the beneficiaries were above 60 years of age or between 45 years to 60 years
Last Updated : 05 April 2021, 16:28 IST
Last Updated : 05 April 2021, 16:28 IST

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Over 1.4 lakh anti-coronavirus vaccine doses were given to beneficiaries in Haryana on Monday, taking the total number of jabs administered in the state to 20,12,332, an official said.

Additional Chief Secretary (Health) Rajeev Arora said Monday and Tuesday are the 'mega vaccination days' when the administration of vaccines is relatively higher in comparison to the other days of the week.

Arora said there were 1,449 vaccination centres across Haryana, which were evenly spread.

Most of the beneficiaries were above 60 years of age or between 45 years to 60 years, he added.

On the administration of vaccines to Health Care Workers (HCWs) and Frontline Workers (FLWs) in the state, the official said 1.9 lakh HCWs have been administered the first dose of Covid-19 vaccine and around 1,14,656 HCWs have been administered the second dose.

A total of 1,20,378 FLWs have been administered the first dose of the vaccine and 43,494 FLWs have been administered the second dose.

Arora said 50,094 people aged above 60 years have been administered the first dose of anti-coronavirus vaccine and the second dose has been given to 2,895 such beneficiaries.

The first dose of the vaccine has been given to 87,634 beneficiaries who are within the age group of 45 to 60 years and the second dose has been administered to 1,016 such beneficiaries, he added.

Published 05 April 2021, 16:21 IST

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