On the occasion of Raksha Bandhan on Monday, Philanthropist and author Sudha Murty shared a video on her X handle, talking about the history of the ceremony.
In the video, she explains the meaning behind Raksha Bandhan celebration. "Raksha Bandhan has a rich history. When Rani Karnavati was in danger, she sent a thread to King Humayun as a symbol of sibling-hood, asking for his help. This is where the tradition of the thread began and it continues to this day," the caption read.
Raksha Bandhan has a rich history. When Rani Karnavati was in danger, she sent a thread to King Humayun as a symbol of sibling-hood, asking for his help. This is where the tradition of the thread began and it continues to this day. pic.twitter.com/p98lwCZ6Pp
— Smt. Sudha Murty (@SmtSudhaMurty) August 19, 2024
However, soon after she posted netizens expressed their outrage saying the information she shared is 'incorrect'. Her video garnered over 2 million views and a flurry of comments.
A user commented, "At this moment I know u know nothing about Indian festivals and culture if u believe in this nonsense story. I'm sorry to have recommended ur books for kids. They don't need to learn this manufactured story. Please read about Draupadi's Raksha Sutra for Srikrishna and the significance of Shravan poornima."
"It's a real surprise for me that you as a writer is telling this. Raksha Bandan is related with Krishna & Draupadi. Please educate yourself," another commented.
"For some one of your stature, you must provide historical proof for such," commented a third.
"You are ignorant to the fullest extent here, ma'am!" wrote a fourth.
After the trolling, Murty posted her justification over the video. She said that the story she shared is one of the many tales associated with Raksha Bandhan.
The story I shared on Raksha Bandhan is just one of many tales associated with the festival and certainly not its origin. As I have said in the video clip, this was already a custom of the land. My intention was to highlight one of the many stories I learnt about when growing up,…
— Smt. Sudha Murty (@SmtSudhaMurty) August 19, 2024
"As I have said in the video clip, this was already a custom of the land. My intention was to highlight one of the many stories I learnt about when growing up, about the beautiful symbolism behind Raksha Bandhan. Raksha Bandhan is a much older tradition that has transcended time and culture of our beloved country, one that I am proud of and look forward to with affection for my own siblings," she wrote.