Addressing a job fair, Adityanath said, "Before 2017, UP was desperate for its identity, anarchy was at its peak. Lawlessness had become its identity and riots used to occur before every festival. Daughters and businesses were not safe."
He said youngsters were forced to leave the state and faced an identity crisis.
He credited Prime Minister Narendra Modi for understanding the state's pain and appealed to the people to elect a BJP government, which changed the state.
"Today, UP is what should be, a model of development, good governance and law & order," Adityanath said.
Hitting out at the Samajwadi Party, he said the works of the Samajwadi Party included reiteration of the history.
"Lawlessness, putting the safety of daughters and businessmen at risk was their identity," Adityanath added.
Published 29 August 2024, 09:49 IST