Today's Horoscope | April 12, 2024: Check horoscope for all sun signs
Published 11 April 2024, 18:31 IST
A sudden change or disruption is possible, but this will only help you to shed your self-imposed restrictive habits and move on. In relationships, it indicates a false sense of security or self-importance. Lucky colour: Amethyst Lucky number: 5
Trust your gut-feeling and avoid being overly rational. You may be involved in a deceptive situation and all may not be as it seems, but success is eventually yours. Secretive or clandestine relationships, if you are having one, could have a happy ending! Lucky colour: Gold Lucky number: 1
Success is possible if you carefully handle issues – both personal and professional deftly, without blowing up. A harmonious partnership could happen and can mature into a fruitful liaison for the future. Lucky colour: Maroon Lucky number: 2
A change of job seems to be the order, and you are raring to go. Send out applications and attend interviews. A picnic puts the zip in a new relationship, and both of you are finding new facets about each other that you find very pleasing. Lucky colour: Pink Lucky number: 3
Don’t be surprised if an old friend turns out to be something more! You will work well with groups and institutions. It is advisable to be your creative, romantic self and try to drop regressive conditional patterns. Lucky colour: Scarlet Lucky number: 4
You will be able to get your own way if you use your intellectual charm and know-how. Travel plans look exciting and will provide you with the kind of mental stimulation that your restless heart is looking for. Lucky colour: Amber Lucky number: 6
A misunderstanding with a close friend will upset you a good deal. Seek the advice of another trusted friend to make peace between the two of you, as you are both hot-headed and not ready to back off. An office junket is beckoning, so maybe you can combine it as a holiday with your special one. Lucky colour: Mango Lucky number: 9
You are undemanding as usual, but offers keep coming today for a better job profile. Your communication skills are excellent, so speak about what’s troubling you. Put your cards on the table and be clear about what you want. Lucky colour: Orange Lucky number: 7
Be patient and watch the day play itself out. You are questioning your motives for taking on new challenges, but that kind of introspection needs a lot more clarity than you have right now. Lucky colour: Blueberry Lucky number: 2
Children are exacting and nerves are frayed at home, stress levels are mounting in you and impatience will be our worst enemy today. Good friends could let you down and business partners may not deserve your trust. Lucky colour: Magenta Lucky number: 5
Circumstances likely to test your will-power and self-confidence. Learn to cope, using tact and diplomacy rather than being aggressive. Do not get involved in “sound financial propositions” or give loans. Lucky colour: Bronze Lucky number: 8
Stress-related problems through overwork are possible. New career responsibilities will be allotted. Creative or spiritual activities or development may feature. Matters from the past may come to light to be resolved or understood. Lucky colour: Saffron Lucky number: 6
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