
No question of going back to BJP even if Modi invites, says Jagadish Shettar

Congress workers are supporting me at every level, he said
Last Updated : 24 April 2023, 01:02 IST
Last Updated : 24 April 2023, 01:02 IST
Last Updated : 24 April 2023, 01:02 IST
Last Updated : 24 April 2023, 01:02 IST

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The dramatic defection of former chief minister Jagadish Shettar from the BJP to the Congress has created ripples in political circles ahead of the elections. In an interview with DH’s Manjunath Hegde Bomnalli, the six-time MLA from Hubli-Dharwad Central says that the Lingayat community has started feeling insecure after some recent developments and that this will upset BJP’s performance in 25-30 constituencies. Excerpts:

Why did you turn down the BJP’s offers like ticket for a family member and a Rajya Sabha seat for you?

My self-esteem was hurt and people of the constituency were insulted due to sudden denial of ticket without any reason. I sought a respectful exit from politics by seeking an opportunity to become an MLA for at least six more months. I clarified I will not be a minister or chief minister. As no response came from the high command, I resigned the next day. I thought they will drag the situation for a few more days, and deny me the ticket at the last moment, like they did to Tejaswini Ananthkumar. In the meantime, feelers were coming from the Congress.

Why only Congress? Was contesting as an independent not an option?

I came from a national party and I wanted to be with another national party, so that I have strength to fight for my cause. They would have isolated me by threatening people around me, as they are in power in the state and at the Centre if I contested as an independent. I just asked Congress to treat me with respect and Congress workers are supporting me at every level.

Will you come out of RSS affiliation? What if contradictions arise due to your RSS background?

I follow Basavanna’s principles. Those who follow his principles of equality and harmony will have no problem in any organisation. I will not participate in RSS activities, but I will continue my contacts with RSS leaders with whom I have a personal bond.

BJP had welcomed Congress MLAs just for power. Where was the ideology then? I am at the fag end of my political career, and I don’t think there would be an embarrassing situation in Congress due to my RSS background. If issues with contradicting views arise, I will discuss in the party forum and convey my stand.

You are not speaking against Modi and Shah. Is there any possibility of you returning to the BJP in the coming days?

I have a respect for them because of their personality. But the state BJP is in the clutches of only one person (B L Santosh). He is doing all these for the growth of his aides. I am doubtful whether all these were done with the knowledge of Modi and Shah or not. There is no meaning in going back to BJP even if Modi invites. It is a closed chapter. I am committed to Congress.

What is your stand regarding the Congress charging BJP with corruption and communalism?

I raised my voice against corruption in the last session of the Assembly. I don’t go much into the discussion about communalism.

Will BJP sympathisers shift sides now?

There are a large number of people who liked BJP, Modi and Shettar. When that combination is disturbed, they support me, and their number is big. All BJP candidates here lost their deposit before 1994. BJP had no base and I created that. People in areas which gave maximum lead to BJP are saying that my decision is right. Shettar’s support base is bigger that BJP’s support base here.

What is Lingayats’ response to your exit from BJP and its impact on polls?

There was a conspiracy to send people like us out and facilitate some to occupy the seat of power. Lingayat community has started feeling insecure and they are thinking that injustice was meted out to them for supporting BJP. Lingayat leaders in 25-30 constituencies are saying they will come to Congress. This will affect the BJP.

Corporators and others who supported you initially are not seen with you now...

They are all with me mentally. A worker said he was kept there forcibly, felt like an orphan in BJP without me, and now he has come out. Corporators will also join me at the right time.

You are a star campaigner in Congress. What are the responsibilities you have in this elections?

Many people from distant places are asking me to campaign in their constituencies. As per the party’s decision, I will tour different regions, but not voluntarily. My focus will be more on my constituency and Dharwad district.

Published 23 April 2023, 15:50 IST

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