
'Abki Baar, Trump Sarkar': Modi supports Trump for 2020

Last Updated : 23 September 2019, 11:51 IST
Last Updated : 23 September 2019, 11:51 IST

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Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday cheered for Donald Trump’s 2020 re-election bid at the 'Howdy, Modi' event here, saying 'Abki Baar, Trump Sarkar", as the US president joined him at the mega gathering of over 50,000 Indian-Americans.

At the event, Modi and Trump clasped hands as they took the stage to a mix of drumbeats and cheers. Many spectators in the crowd of wore white T-shirts that proclaimed: "Howdy, Modi."

Modi introduced Trump as "my friend, a friend of India" and as someone who "has left a deep and lasting impact everywhere.”

Trump returned the compliment during his remarks, lavishing praise on Modi and calling him "a great man and a great leader."

Welcoming Trump, Modi said, "We have met a few times, and every time he has been the same warm, friendly, energetic and accessible. I admire him also for his sense of leadership and passion for America."

"We in India connected well with President Trump and with the words of candidate Trump, 'Abki Baar, Trump Sarkar', rang loud and clear," Modi said, rephrasing his successful election slogan 'Abki Baar, Modi Sarkar'. Trump responded with a smile.

Trump, a Republican, has already announced that he will seek a second term at the White House in the general elections in 2020.

Published 22 September 2019, 19:35 IST

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