
Is US President Donald Trump infected with coronavirus? We may never know

Last Updated : 13 March 2020, 18:18 IST
Last Updated : 13 March 2020, 18:18 IST
Last Updated : 13 March 2020, 18:18 IST
Last Updated : 13 March 2020, 18:18 IST

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Speculations around Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro being confirmed of coronavirus rose on Friday, however, he has denied the reports.

Although, if the president is tested positive, it could possibly have dangerous implications for the United States and its president, Donald Trump, who has been outrightly not been taking COVID-19 pandemic seriously.

The Brazilian president had met US President Donald Trump last week to discuss various issues like trade, the Middle-East and Venezuela. This was in the midst of the ongoing coronavirus crisis, which at that point had crossed 100,000 confirmed cases around the world. Interestingly, the Brazilian president had earlier refuted the coronavirus crisis as a mere 'fantasy'.

What does it mean for Donald Trump and the White House?

Donald Trump meeting Jair Bolsonaro raises questions of whether he, too, is infected by the coronavirus, which has over 1,200 cases in the US according to the CDC. Trump, for his part, has refused to be tested for the coronavirus, perhaps driven by his confidence on the disease. So, if Trump really does have the virus, no one would ever know unless he begins showing proper symptoms or stops going on his usual Twitter triade about how the media is against him and how he's the best President ever and his stance on the coronavirus being a worldwide crisis.

Other politicians and celebrities who have contracted the virus

But the problem doesn't stop with Donald Trump. Australian Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton has been confirmed to have the coronavirus. He had contact with Ivanka Trump about a week ago, raising questions of whether the First Family has the virus, and if it has spread to the entire White House.

Going up north of the US, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's wife has been confirmed to have the coronavirus. A minister in the UK health department has the coronavirus and Iran's parliament is also compromised. In Europe, Queen Letizia of Spain has been tested for the coronavirus after coming in contact with a government official who has it.

Even Hollywood has not been spared the wrath of the virus, with Tom Hanks and his wife also confirming that they have the coronavirus.

Published 13 March 2020, 15:41 IST

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