
US Army halts training new Afghan recruits

Last Updated : 04 May 2018, 07:39 IST
Last Updated : 04 May 2018, 07:39 IST

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The US military has halted the training of Afghan government-backed militias for at least a month to give the Americans time to redo the vetting of new recruits after a string of attacks by Afghan soldiers and police on their international allies.

There have been 34 insider attacks this year — at least 12 in August alone — that have killed 45 international troops, putting intense strain on the relationship between coalition forces and the Afghans they live and work with. The shootings also have thrown doubts on one of the pillars of the US-led coalition's planned withdrawal by the end of 2014 — training Afghan forces so they can take the lead for security in the country.

Lt Col John Harrell, a spokesman for US special operations forces in Afghanistan, said the pause in training affects about 1,000 trainees of the Afghan Local Police, a militia backed by the government in Kabul. “The training of the ALP recruits has been paused while we go through this re-vetting process, to take a look at this process to see if there’s anything that we can improve,” Harrell said.

Published 02 September 2012, 17:05 IST

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