Early trends not real indicator of Bengal poll outcome: VijayvargiyaThe saffron party was ahead in 93 seats compared to TMC which is leading in 195 seats as of 1130 hrs
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Kailash Vijayvargiya, BJP national general secretary. Credit: PTI Photo
Kailash Vijayvargiya, BJP national general secretary. Credit: PTI Photo

BJP national general secretary Kailash Vijayvargiya on Sunday exuded confidence that his party will form the next government in West Bengal.

He said that the initial trends from postal ballots were "not the real indicator of the final outcome".

"We will cross the magic figure by evening. I am sure that we will form the next government in Bengal," Vijayvargiya, who is also the BJP's Bengal minder, said.


The saffron party, which had managed to secure just three seats in the last assembly elections, is making good progress, he stated.

Early trends till 10.30 am showed that the ruling TMC was surging ahead of challenger BJP, leading in 101 of the 156 seats. The saffron party was ahead in just 53 seats.

"The TMC goons had terrorised the voters who used the postal ballot option... We had a feeling that our party will not do well in postal ballots. However, the BJP is making good progress," he added.