
Life in the glare of development...

Last Updated : 14 October 2010, 18:40 IST

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But just outside Bangalore City limits, people live in horrible and inhumane conditions. Yaluvahalli is one such village in the neighbouring district of Chikkaballapur.

Though situated just 14 km from Bengaluru International Airport and a mere eight km from Chikkaballapur city, Yaluvahalli has no basic amenities. Defecating in the open is the norm in the village where the houses have no toilets and the surrounding environment is not clean.

This apart, the drinking water is polluted. However, the residents, in spite of drinking polluted water, cannot afford to fall sick as there is no health centre in the village.
Though, a Primary Health Centre was opened in the village after intense demand by the residents, what is now left are the remains of what was once a Primary Health Centre.

The building, though dilapidated is the only visible remains of the Centre. Thick weeds have covered the surroundings of the building. In the absence of doctors and other staff people of the village are forced to visit Bangalore or Chikkaballapur for treatment.
Though drains have been constructed in the village, they are clogged with polluted water as they have not been cleaned. For example, heaps of soil has been dumped in the rajakaluve in the village blocking the movement of water.

The stagnant water is leading to health problems as it has become a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Apart from this the unbearable stench is also wrecking havoc in the lives of the people.

The repeated request to clear the rajakaluve of heaps of soil has also fallen on deaf ears, said Munne Gowda.

Most of the people in the village live in small houses. In spite of this, they have to share their living space with livestock failing build a separate shed from the animals.

“Many requisitions have been submitted during the Janaspandana programme about lack of toilet and proper drainage facility. The minister, MLAs and Deputy Commissioners promise to solve the problems in a month or so. However, it is an almost year and promises are yet to be fulfiled,” the residents said.

As we are forced to live in this condition we have adjusted to this living, they added.
The officials and elected representatives who visit the our village preach about the importance of cleanliness. However, on the issue of providing toilet facility to every house in the village, the officials and representatives maintain conspicuous silence, they added.
The residents alleged that constructing a toilet spending Rs 3,000 was a mammoth task as many them struggled to earn two square meals a day.

Even if a toilet is constructed after availing a loan hoping to cover up the cost through government incentive, most of the time authorities concerned reject our application for incentives sighting silly reasons, alleged Yaluvahalli Sonne Gowda.

Published 14 October 2010, 18:39 IST

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