Speaking at the Beary literary and cultural meet organised by Karnataka Beary Sahithya Academy in Madikeri, he said Beary cultural troupes will invited to Bangalore to exhibit the art forms. A sum of Rs 40 lakh has been given to Beary Sahithya Academy to undertake activities related to the promotion of the language. Many had raised objections for releasing Rs 40 lakh to Beary and Kodava Academy. Local languages and culture were affected by globalisation. All should strive to protect art, language, literature and culture.
Former MLA K M Ibrahim said youths feel inferior with Beary language. Academy should come forward to construct Beary Bhavana in Madikeri.
Kodava Sahithya Academy President Aimudiyanda Rani Machaiah said the Muslim families should give emphasis to the education of their girl children along with checking dowry menace in the community.
Beary Academy President M B Abdul Rahman said the Academy carries out activities within the framework of the Islam.
Academy Registrar Umarabba was present. Prizes were distributed to the winners of various competitions held as part of the meeting.
Published 25 July 2011, 18:00 IST