
Eunuchs go hitech with their own website

Bridging the gap
Last Updated : 13 January 2010, 17:25 IST

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A voluntary organisation, which is engaged in working among the eunuchs to bring them into the mainstream, has prepared a website exclusively for the eunuchs. “All information pertaining to the eunuchs is available on the site... how many eunuchs live in a particular area...who is their guru.. everything is there,” said chief of the organisation, S K Mishra.

Many a time, people complain of harassment at the hands of the eunuchs. These eunuchs, sometimes, literally raid train compartments and force people to pay them. Such incidents put the eunuchs in bad light and people begin to dislike them, Mishra said. “Now, the people can lodge complaints against any eunuch with her guru through the website. The guru of the concerned eunuch will take notice of the complaint and take necessary action against the guilty eunuch,” Mishra said.

The site also contains detailed information about the family background of the eunuchs. “People could also come to know about their (eunuchs) scheduled programmes in the country by going through the site,” he says.
Since the areas of the eunuchs would be clearly earmarked, the eunuchs from outside would not be able to intrude into others’ areas and receive cash and gifts from the people.

Mishra, whose organisation is also engaged in providing education to the eunuchs, said that they were trying to provide computers to the gurus of the eunuchs.
He said there were around 58 lakh eunuchs in the country of which 3,50,000 are in Lucknow. The number of post-graduate eunuchs in the city is  around 1,000, he said.

The website, he said, will work as a bridge between the people and the eunuchs about whom there are so many misunderstandings among the common people.

Published 13 January 2010, 17:25 IST

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