
Scientists divided over test result on virus

Last Updated : 11 July 2010, 19:08 IST

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Kolkata-based scientists, who published their results in the American Journal of Infectious Diseases, however, are unable to explain how the medicine worked. They admit their failure in identifying the medicine’s working mechanism.

The team with researchers from the School of Tropical Medicine and D N De Homoeopathic Medical Hospital, Kolkata tried the ultra-diluted form of Belladonna in four potency.  They tried Belladonna 3, 6, 30 and 200 in the experiment. For the first two that may contain some drug molecules, scientists at least have a theory on how it can lower the virus count.

Going by the modern science, other two medicines are nothing by water, for which the team has no explanations. “We cannot explain, how they worked,” Satadal Das, a pathologist at the homoeopathic hospital and one of the team members told Deccan Herald. The team assessed the impacts of 10 homoeopathic medicines on JE virus. Only Belladonna was found to be a success.

Other scientists who had worked with JE, however, are not convinced with the Kolkata team’s results. “Many plant molecules lower virus count. Unless they show the utility in an animal model, it does not serve any practical purpose,” said Sudhanshu Brati, a virologist at the National Institute of Immunology, here.

Researchers also pointed out the lacuna in using an outdated experimental method, which the Kolkata team had employed. They used chicken eggs, inoculated them with virus and then applied Belladonna.

Published 11 July 2010, 19:08 IST

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