
Yogaraj But...

Fate bends before love
Last Updated : 22 July 2011, 18:48 IST
Last Updated : 22 July 2011, 18:48 IST

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Dayal Padmanabhan continues his tryst with ‘clean’ cinema. This time with Yogaraj But... .
Sihi, an administrator at an ashram is on her way to London and halts in Bangalore for a few days. She bumps into Yogaraj, who, under the guise of an astrologer loves to help people overcome their problems. Impressed by his actions, Sihi hires him to be her driver for the day. She then gets more than what she had bargained for.

Soon it is time for the two to fall in love. But there is a hitch...

Yogaraj But... is no Jhuk Gaya Aasman or Bhoolokadalli Yamaraja, thank god! The film narrates a short episode in a young man’s busy life. One whose dimensions are manifold.

In his ‘zeal’ to keep the story as simple and clean as possible, Dayal allows too much freedom to his hero, who’s also penned the dialogues, sung a song and what not! Naveen hams and hams, irritating the patience out of viewers. A meaty role thus gets reduced to a caricature and serious emotions that follow do not register at all.

But Neethu as Sihi is a breeze alright. She projects the curious blend of small-town smartness and innocence, quite well. Neethu is also presented well as a heroine for the first time.

Suchendra Prasad’s superior attitude while projecting emotion and thought to others leaves no room for any impact.

With an increasingly cynical society moving away from ‘old-fashioned’ faith and other ‘stuff’, the interactions between Paramatma, Atma and Yama should have been riveting. An abrupt end to the film also doesn’t help matters.

However, all is not lost. Milind Dharmasena comes up with two good compositions and cinematographer B Rakesh and team does a good job along with the art department.
Yogaraj But... could have been an excellent film but...

Published 22 July 2011, 18:48 IST

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