
CCTVs to be installed at SC and other court complexes

Last Updated : 18 September 2011, 07:41 IST
Last Updated : 18 September 2011, 07:41 IST

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Tenders were floated by Delhi Police for hiring of CCTVs to be installed at the Supreme Court, the High Court and court complexes in Patiala House, Teez Hazari, Saket and Dwarka after the September 7 blast which claimed 15 lives and injured over 70.

At least 235 CCTVs will be hired to secure the court complexes, a senior police official said. "We have fast tracked the process," he said.

Fourty-four CCTVs are being installed at the Supreme Court while the number for High Court is 31, Patiala Court 32, Tis Hazari 30, Saket 50 and Dwarka 48, the official said.

"The CCTVs will cover the entire perimeter and will capture the image of those approaching the court premises. The recording will be non-stop," he said.

The decision to cover the perimeter of courts came after it was found that there was no CCTV coverage outside the High Court, which witnessed two blasts in past four months.

Besides CCTVs, the official said, more police personnel are being deployed at courts to thwart any untoward incident. "CCTVs act as a deterrent and will help in investigations," the official said.

Thousands of people come to the city courts every day and the court officials and lawyers had complained about the security system put in place there.

Apart from the busy Patiala Courts and Teez Hazari, which cater to thousands on a daily basis, the Saket district court complex has 60 courts while the Dwarka complex has 45 courts.

The Saket court is the latest district court in the capital which became operational on August 28 last year and looks into matters pertaining to South and South East districts.

Dwarka court complex started functioning from September 6, 2008.

Published 18 September 2011, 07:41 IST

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