
All set for a good night's sleep

essential tips
Last Updated : 26 June 2014, 14:20 IST
Last Updated : 26 June 2014, 14:20 IST

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Waking up early not only allows more time for productivity and leisure but it also makes one’s days less stressful.

One should go to sleep when tired and create the right night routine and environment that makes it easier to wake up on time every morning. Here are some tips to becoming a morning person:

* Get more sleep: Just like we need to make time for working out, we need to schedule seven to nine hours of sleep into our day because it is one of the most essential parts of our health. What one gets from a good night’s rest cannot be supplemented elsewhere.

* No screens in the bedroom: Make it a point to turn off the television at a certain time. Similarly, don’t use your laptop or tablet in bed. Restrict your contact with screens at least an hour before bed.

* Go to sleep when you are tired: When we have an especially exhausting day, we tend to ignore our brains when it’s telling us that we’re drained and tired hours before we normally are. Don’t ignore what your body is telling you. Just like waiting too long to go to bed after taking a sleeping pill, powering through your tiredness instead of going right to bed can have adverse effects.

* Create the right night-time routine and environment: Be it books or tea with chamomile, make sure to choose something that will be a calming experience and one that you can repeat every night. Over time, your body will get used to this ritual and know when it’s time to shut down and go to sleep. The environment you go to sleep in is also important. If it’s clean and uncluttered, it will be easier for your mind to be. Your room should be a tranquil space used almost solely for relaxing and sleeping.

* Always have something to look forward to: Schedule your week so that you have something to look forward to, even if that something is calling a friend to catch up or trying out a new place for lunch.

Published 26 June 2014, 14:20 IST

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