Bengaluru: A part of an under-construction building in north Bengaluru’s Peenya collapsed on Saturday, falling on workers at the site and killing two while grievously injuring another. The police identified the deceased as Veeresh, 35, from Gulbarga, and Imam Sheik, 28, from Yadgir. Prakash, 55, from Kalaburagi, has been shifted to a private hospital and admitted to the ICU in critical condition.
The incident occurred on Saturday evening as labourers were engaged in centering work on the fourth floor of the five-story building near the NTTF Circle.
According to police, the roof collapsed suddenly during the centering work, giving the workers no time to escape. However, one worker had a narrow escape. Three were buried under the debris; one died on the spot, and another succumbed to his injuries en route to the hospital.
The police have cordoned off the site. They have also consulted experts to determine the exact cause of the collapse. A preliminary investigation suggests that the workers lacked adequate safety measures, putting them at risk. Peenya police have filed an FIR. They are searching for the building’ owner and the site manager.
Published 11 August 2024, 02:20 IST