
Trio thrash BMTC crew

Last Updated : 03 April 2019, 20:42 IST

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Three men assaulted a BMTC driver and conductor as they objected to them urinating in the parking lot of a bus station on Monday night.

The police said the conductor Jayanna S R and driver Suresh Murthy were taken
to hospital with multiple injuries.

Jayanna lodged a complaint with the Upparpet police, in which he said he and Murthy were taking the bus to the parking area after finishing duty.

As they drove along the service lane inside the bus stand leading to the parking area, they noticed the three men urinating.

Despite repeated honking by Murthy, they continued to urinate. The irked conductor got out of the bus, raised objections to them urinating at a public place and asked them to clear the space.

Enraged by the conductor’s censure, the three men rained blows and punches on Jayanna. They did not spare Murthy when he came to his colleague’s rescue.

The driver-conductor crew hollered for help, but the attackers fled the scene before other BMTC employees could arrive.

The BMTC crew then headed to the Upparpet police station and lodged a complaint against the trio, whom the police are yet to arrest.

Published 03 April 2019, 18:42 IST

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