
Sadguru is merged in reality

Last Updated : 17 March 2010, 17:59 IST
Last Updated : 17 March 2010, 17:59 IST

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For ordinary individuals like ourselves, the only sign that by which we can recognise that we are in the divine presence of a Sadguru is the experience of securing peace of mind.

The mind is stilled, thought waves subside and it experiences peace of mind that it has not experienced before. It is difficult to recognize a realized master. This is because they appear like ordinary individuals performing ordinary tasks that individuals elsewhere perform. This is a fatal error because they appear to be performing such tasks only in the eyes of those who behold them. In the exalted state they are in they experience no such action.

This exalted state is absolute happiness. And they are consumed by a genuine desire to facilitate this experience in others. Feelings of “I” and (ahamkara) and “mine” (mamkara) are completely absent. It is precisely in order to help the seeker gain of understanding of his real identity that the Guru enters into his life. For this to happen, the seeker must be consumed by a thirst to know his real identity, to distinguish between what is true and false and what is temporary and what is permanent.

When a seeker (sadhaka) is consumed by such thirst, embracing the spiritual path is inevitable. There is no logical or rational explanation. It simply happens.  “Unless you experience hunger,” said Sadguru Murali Krishna, “you cannot satisfy it. Hunger creates a desire for food upon the satisfaction of which it is assuaged. Similarly, you must be consumed by a desire to know who you are upon which God creates an opportunity for you to understand who you really are. The Guru is that opportunity.  He is the gateway to realize the Self.”

One of his central teachings lies in assisting us to realize the profound truth that the kingdom of God lies within: “God is inside. That is why Lord Hanuman is portrayed baring his chest to display none other Lord Vishnu and Mahalaksmi. Be happy with what you have because that is the road to happiness in your life.”

Such continuous remembrance of God is critical: “Contemplate God even before you sleep. His name must always be on the lips of your mind. It is important to secure Agni’s permission for all important activities in your life. Agni is Skandan or Subrahamanya or unblemished Brahman. He is Brahman. He is creation, preservation and destruction. He is perfect. To make the imperfect perfect is the task of a Brahamana. Agni is flawless Brahman.”

Published 17 March 2010, 17:59 IST

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