
List of 5 couples who received Nobels

Indian-American Abhijit Banerjee won the Nobel Price for Economics along with his wife Esther Duflo. Banerjee and Duflo published many research papers together and co-wrote a book titled 'Poor Economics', which documented their work in control trials to alleviate poverty. Here is a list of married couples where both partners received the Nobel Prize.
Last Updated : 14 October 2019, 19:07 IST

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Edvard I. and May-Britt Moser

In 2014, the Mosers were awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine for their discovery that cells constitute a positioning system in the brain, also known as our "inner GPS".

Gunnar and Alva Myrdal

The Mydrals were interested in welfare issues and family politics. They were awarded the prizes in different years. While Gunnar won the Nobel for Economic Sciences in 1974 for research on interrelations between economic, social and political processes, Alva was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1982 for her work countering nuclear proliferation.

Frederic Joliot and Irene Joliot-Curie

Irene Joliot Curie was the eldest daughter of Pierre and Marie Curie. She won the Nobel in Chemistry in 1935 along with her husband, Frederic. Frederic was an assistant of Irene's mother Marie and Irène taught him techniques around research in radioactivity. Together, they discovered artificial radioactivity and were recognised.

Pierre Curie and Marie Curie

The couple was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903 for their discovery of two new elements - polonium and radium - which were more radioactive than uranium.

Carl Ferdinand and Gerty Theresa Cori

The Coris won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1947 for their research work on glycogen and glucose metabolism. They were batchmates in medical school, got married and emigrated from Vienna to the US. They collaborated in almost all their research work on hormones and enzymes.

Published 14 October 2019, 17:27 IST

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